Saturday, March 2, 2013

Back On Track

I think I am finally 'back on track'. I had some downtime for a while...well almost 3 months...25% of a full year!! That is a long time to not be pursuing any of my growing list of goals. Hopefully that is all in the onward and upward.

Top priority is my book on the Boston Harbor Islands. I'm not sure if this will be the cover of my book, but I needed to start putting something together so that I could see how it would lay out. I'll be making many adjustments along the way as I've never pursued a project of this magnitude. By pasting up some possible layouts, I can zero in on what the final product will look like. I have to re-visit a few islands and I have more writing to do, but I'm feeling really good about finally seeing this come to fruition.

This is one goal I am committed to completing...and in the not to distant future.


  1. Nice to see you back on track Susan. Will be looking forward to reading your Boston Island book.

  2. Fantastic Susan! Glad you are back at your Boston Harbor Islands book. Can't wait to read it! Kind of scary to think that you "laid low" for 25% of a full year! That alone makes one motivated as time passes so quickly!
