Saturday, March 9, 2013

An Iota of Motivation Goes A Long Way

I think I've spoken about motivation before. Without motivation, nothing will get done; goals won't be met, tasks will lie incomplete and appointments will be cancelled. It's the driver that keeps us in forward motion. My biggest frustration is not being motivated. I have all these dreams, I can see them on the horizon but they are just out of reach. All I really need is the fuel to get me there, the motivation to get me there. 

A funny thing about this fuel which we all have inside us but which lies dormant every once in a while (sometimes more often than not) is that it grows exponentially as it is used; it feeds upon itself.  For example I began working on my BHI book again and was picking up where I left off. I've written so much already I didn't want to start anything over. So, yes, I was motivated to complete my book...but my motivation was almost an obligatory action I was taking to satisfy myself that I was doing something. I'm not sure my heart was in it. But, as I began assembling pages, I saw that there was room for improvement in the layout, in the essays, in the whole tone of the book. Gradually I felt motivated to take the book to another level; re-write some of the essays, find a consistent voice, not accept the photos I have but plan on going back and taking the photos that will support the essays and the poetry. I couldn't put the work down, I kept going back to it, tweeking it here and there...and as I was working in the here and mind was racing ahead to what I would need to complete it. My motivation was not only growing, it was fueling the passion I have for writing, poetry, photography and allowing me to use my natural inclination for order and process flow to pull it all together.

Lack of motivation is accepting things as they are. Being truly motivated, though, will allow you to see all the possibilities in life and give you the energy to reach them. All you need to begin the journey is a little touch of motivation...just once, just one time, make yourself do something you love to do and don't say you don't have the time...this is your life. That little iota of motivation will double...then quadruple...then snowball into full-blown, wanna-do-it motivation. That's all it takes, one iota.


  1. Susan, Love this post about motivation. These words struck a chord with me, "My biggest frustration is not being motivated. I have all these dreams, I can see them on the horizon but they are just out of reach. All I really need is the fuel to get me there, the motivation to get me there." It's true, all the dreams that just sit there and aren't acted upon, then the whining and complaining starts. Instead of whining, go for the gusto and jump in and get the mojo back!

  2. "You will get what you want, when you stop making excuses on why you don’t have it."

    Great quote to get one motivated.
