Monday, December 9, 2013

Holidays and Goals

It's early December and, as has been done in the past, I've made a conscious decision to table some of my projects for the month. Trying to squeeze in a poem a day, work on a personal essay, complete Shutterbox 2013, file photographs and format some picture books will have to be set aside for a few weeks. I can't do all of that and enjoy the holidays. There are two things I know I will complete, though. One is to finish organizing the pictures and clippings I inherited from my mother.  These will be sent to their respective sibling, wrapped in a beautiful Christmas box...and out of my cluttered closet for good!!  The second is to finish the third wise man in the manger scene I have been working on for some time. It is counted cross stitch and, at times, can be very tedious...and a killer on the eyes. But the end result is so worth the effort. I've had one wise man complete and stuffed for a few years...but one other has been completely sewn and not cut out and stuffed and the other incompletely sewn. I am almost done with the third wise man, though. By end of this week I should have both complete, cut out and stuffed. A small victory, yes, as I have other figures and animals to sew...but a victory nonetheless.

When the manger scene is complete, it will look like what you see below. After the three wise men are complete (this Christmas) I have the angel, two sheep, sitting camel and a shepherd. Hmmmm, sounds like a 2014 goal in the making!
